留學(xué)生課程相關文件下載 Documents about Courses Download for International Students



留學(xué)研究生第一外國(guó)語(英語)免修申請表Application Form for Exemption from English Learning (2018).doc

  注: 申請免修的碩士和博士留學(xué)研究生請于秋季/春季學(xué)期第3-4帶齊相關證明材料的原件和複印件到師生服務中心研究生院17&18号窗口(化學(xué)樓E棟1樓)辦理免修審核手續,逾期不予辦理。  

  Note:International students, doctoral candidates or master candidates, who intend to apply for exemption from English learning, can download and fill out theApplication Form for Exemption from English Learning, and bring the form  with the original documents and related copies to the Windows 17&18 of Graduate School in FACULTY & STUDENTS SERVICE CENTER (the first floor of Chemistry Building E) for inspectionwithin the third to fourth weeks of the autumn/spring semester. After the deadline for exemption, no service is available. 



英文授課留學(xué)生漢語口語課程免修申請表Application Form for Exemption from Primary Oral Chinese(2018).doc


      Note: International students, doctoral candidates or master candidates, who intend to apply for exemption from elementary oral Chinese, can download and fill out the application form for exemption from elementary oral Chinese at the website if HIT Graduate School within 1st to 3rd weeks of the autumn semester. You need to bring the original documents and related copies to the Windows 17&18 of Graduate School in FACULTY & STUDENTS SERVICE CENTER (the first floor of Chemistry Building E)for inspection. After the deadline for exemption, no service is available.



重新參加課程學(xué)習 take the course and the exam again  

  重修申請表(重新參加課程學(xué)習) Application Form for Course Retaking (Take the course again)(中英).docx

不重新參加課程學(xué)習 only take the exam

     重修申請表(不重新參加課程學(xué)習)Application Form for Course Retaking (Exemption from attending the course again).docx


   Note:Please hand in the form to the Windows 17&18 of Graduate Schoolin FACULTY & STUDENTS SERVICE CENTER (the first floor of Chemistry Building E) at the beginnig of the teaching semester.

課程緩考申請研究生緩考申請表 Application Form of Delayed Examination for Postgraduate Students(中英).doc

直接參加課程考試申請 研究生直接參加課程考試申請表 Application Form for Examination Directly (中英).doc

讀書報告、研究報告模闆 讀書報告、研究報告模闆 Templet for Reading Report、Research Report (中英).doc